Personal Coaching

Red Boat with Blue Sail (1906-07), by Odilon Redon
Red Boat with Blue Sail (1906-07), by Odilon Redon

My practice can be thought of as embodied philosophy. At its core, it's about finding fresh ways of encountering the world and relationships.

Let's talk if you feel moved to:

- Disentangle a problem you can't quite articulate

- Cultivate a meditation practice you understand and enjoy

- Look at emotions and behavioral patterns with playful curiosity (I draw on elements from Vajrayana Buddhism, Focusing, & Internal Family Systems)

- Write, speak, or create with more confidence and ease

- Try some of the explorations I've written about in my essays (for instance on happiness, wanting, and experiential centers)

I bring more than a decade's study of psychology, philosophy, and meditative systems. I've practiced nondual meditation in the Vajrayana tradition since 2016. Since 2020, I've been an apprentice helping to build Evolving Ground, a contemporary Vajrayana practice community. Since early 2023, I've hosted weekly sits and conversations in Brooklyn.


"Andrew guided me in a focusing session that led to an embodied realization about loneliness that has resulted in a persistent lightness around that feeling. He made it easy to explore a set of beliefs and patterned behaviors I had often seen as shameful. I felt a sadness many neurotic beliefs were protecting me from and it was okay, actually beautiful. Andrew's particular skill was offering questions without any agenda—I didn't have the sense he was trying to get me to a particular place and so I felt free and even curious to explore scary feelings.
—D. van Ittersum

"Meeting and practicing with Andrew has completely transformed my meditation practice. Andrew introduced me to the life-affirming path offered by Vajrayana and has been a trusted advisor and guide in a practice that completely changed how I engage with the world. More than that, he has a difficult to quantify nature that makes doing weirdly ambitious and fun things happen. If you spend time with Andrew you’ll find problems you’ve had gently untangling themselves into an unfolding pathway of delightful and unusual possibilities."
J. Ganz

"I had experimented a bit with inquiries like the Option Method and Focusing on my own, but it was practicing with Andrew that made these powerful methods ‘real’ for me. He has a gentle, steadfast and down-to-earth manner that creates a comfortable environment for exploring elusive and vulnerable feelings, and a knack for finding just the right unexpected question to point me to places I never would have looked on my own. The results have been life-changing."
P. Weitzman

"I think you'd make a great coach." 
Charlie Awbery


My hourly rate is $100. I currently have some limited scholarship slots, so feel free to reach out even if price is a concern.

If I don't respond within two days, something has gone wrong and you should email me directly at andrew.s.blevins at gmail dot com.